
    Commissions information

    Commissions status: Closed

    Here's the styles I can do, the prices and sizes of each one and the background types.


    Headshot: price

    Bust: price

    Halfbody: price


    Simple: price

    Detailed: price

    Complex: price


    Payment can be done with TF2 keys or in USD through Paypal or Payoneer. Other currencies can be accepted but they would have to be discussed first.

    What I can and cannot do

    I can do:




    Cannot do

    Hateful content

    Sexual content

    My terms of service (T.O.S)

  • Prices aren't negotiable since they are made to cover my own fees, taxes or cuts I will get from receiving money.
  • 100% payment upfront. Once the payment is completed I will being to work on the commission.
  • If work has to be refunded I keep a percentage of the payment for the time spent.
  • Please, don't spam me for updates (it's ok to ask from time to time, just not 24/7 please).
  • I don't accept extra payment to finish the work quicker.
  • I have the right to refuse to work/continue working on a commission if I'm uncomfortable.
  • Person that paid for the work can reupload it as they so desire with credit, please.
  • Commercial use of my work is forbidden.
  • You can reserve slots but you also have a 2 weeks period to pay and let me know what you would like. If after these 2 weeks nothing happens I will remove you from the list of works to be done that month. You're free to come back the next one!
  • How to contact me

    If you're interesed in commissioning me you can send me an email to " " or send me a message on my Tumblr .

    Or if you don't know where to start, here's a form you can fill in with the details of the commision you want. Please, feel free to be as detailed with your descriptions and additional notes as you want!

    And here you can check how the commission is going and my workflow.